May our name not be forgotten
Bianca Bernardo Novembro, 2021 In the beginning, there was no America. We have always been many, diverse, and vast. When the explorers arrived, they soon wrote letters and books telling of their great discovery and of how they had conquered an “island” in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean...
What we don’t have the nerve to throw away
Bianca Bernardo setembro, 2019 Imagine returning to your childhood home only to find an empty space that cannot be filled. The voice you long to hear does not live in the space in which silence takes on a noisy density and muffles the words in our throats.
Franck-James Marlot POP CENTER, 2018 Above one of the two overpasses that span the Pop Center, a cloud of four hundred plastic slide viewers is suspended above the ground, occupying the vast exhibition space.
Michaela Blanc Revisited July, 2018 Time is not money. Time is the fabric of our life.”Antonio Candido In the early summer of 2016, the task of writing a report on artists’ workspaces was assigned to me by Marcelo Campos as part of a course he taught on curatorship and composing critical texts in Brazil...
Between sky and water
Marcelo Campos Setembro, 2016 É preciso que se esqueça de tudo aquilo que lhe ensinaram os mapas tão completos, e que comece a apagar sobre a carta que tem na cabeça, a forma, a aparência geral, até...
Inventory of oblivion
Fernanda Pequeno March, 2015 The trace inscribes the recollection of a presence that no longer exists and that always runs the risk of permanent erasure. Jeanne Marie Gagnebin“. [I] The blue line masks the face captured in the photograph and elicits terms such as ‘forgotten’, ‘unimportant’ or even ‘unknown’
Whence rivers meet to invent the sea
Renato Bezerra de Mello Lisboa, 2014. I have taken the title for my exhibition at the 18th edition of the Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa / CDAP [Carpe Diem Art and Research] exhibition cycle from a (slightly altered) old saying that may be heard in Recife...
Reopening on the banks of the Tagus
In Amateur d’art: par Lunettes Rouges @lunettesrouges.blog.lemonde.fr After my first enthusiastic discovery of the Carpe Diem art center (currently celebrating its fifth anniversary), I returned there for its new exhibition (through December 20).
Casa Forte
Marcelo Campos 2011. In Renato Bezerra de Mello’s work keepsakes from his home and images recorded in photographs and videos – as well as dreamlike representations of fantasy situations ...
Errático, errante
Marcelo Campos April 2012. Contemporary art disseminates legacies: materials, arrangements, an ability to deal with concepts, categories, and narratives. In Renato Bezerra de Mello’s recent new works on view at the Galeria Inox,...
Marsden woo project space| Interview
Interview with Renato Bezerra de Mello by Tessa Peters and Maria Donato 15 September – 30 October, 2011 Your title for this exhibition is “The crumbs of childhood”. Is this a quote? If so, where does it come from?...
NO MORE, NO LESS Dorothée Tramoni 2005. Renato Bezerra de Mello tells a multiple story that he deliberately disperses and scatters. It is nonetheless quite a simple story, about a large family from Pernambuco...
Trajetórias 4
Glória Ferreira august, 2004 Renato Bezerra de Mello carries out his work within a universe of memories, copies and reproductions, making up something we might call a “fictional memory”.