Galeria Inox, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Curator: Isabel Sanson Portella

Description of works

1 – To be stored side by side, one inside the other | 2005-14

Over the years I have accumulated rolls of leftover adhesive tape for restoration work that I use in my studio. In this manner, and through the mere fact of my wanting to preserve the memory of a material whose color and texture had aroused my interest, I began a series of works that materialized as objects, drawing, video, sound and photography.

  • two object series 
  • adhesive base tape used for restoration work on rare documents
  • 15 x 29 cm e 24 x 24 cm
  • access the work page here

Photo: Pat Kilgore


2 – What happened to the city in which I was born | 2014

In this video I try in vain to keep extremely lightweight paper tubes standing upright; the slightest action of the wind brought about by the movement of my own hand sends them falling to the ground. As they fall, the tubes produce a delicate sound—a chance composition.

  • 9’54” video loop (MP4 and MOV versions) loop
  • concept: Renato Bezerra de Mello
  • camera and video and sound editing: Daniel Santos
  • access the work page here

Photo:Daniel Santos

3 – Rounds infinites | 2014

I used graphite sheets to make this piece—a process of transferring and printing images onto paper, as is commonly done with carbon. The repeated circles allude to the manuscripts of antiquity, accumulated and stored upon one another, inside one another.

  • series of three drawings on Lana paper and two drawings on Canson paper
  • graphite on paper
  • 29,7 x 42 cm (Lana); 49 x 64 cm (Canson)
  • EXHIBITIONS: 'Doação D’, ZAGUT, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • access the work page here

Photo: Pat Kilgore