In this work, I repeatedly transcribed two accounts given by Marguerite Yourcenar of a single event: the burial of the ashes of Grace Frick, with whom she lived for 40 years. The first is from her personal diary, a short account shot through with the emotion of immediate reaction. The second was written in response to an interview and shows us the famous novelist rather than the woman.

Both accounts are as fine as they are moving, but the second one is actually a short literary piece. The juxtaposition of writing in my work has its source in Yourcenar’s doubt about whether or not to make public that part of the interview, as well the illegible passages of her intimate diary.

  • writing on typewriter ribbon on tracing paper
  • 32 x 57 cm (diptych)
  • EXHIBITIONS: 'Aquilo que nos une’, Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, Brasil

Photo: Pat Kilgore