AMOR | 2013

Casa Museu de Benjamin Constant, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Curator : Isabel Sanson Portella

Description of works

1 - Memory is the seamstress, and a very fine seamstress at that. Memory makes the needle run in and out, up and down and to and fro. We know not what comes next, what will come later | 2007

Drawers filled with embroidered initials cover a woman’s smock and occupy the main room in the museum home, in its turn already full of stories that unfold in its mirrors. The design for the smock was taken from my collection of initials and executed in partnership with seamstresses from a cooperative in [the] Rocinha [favela].

2 – Escritos sobre nada ⏐ 2007-13

For a long while, I collected writings about nothing, indeed, about all the things that caught my attention during that period; things I read and heard, and that I transferred (with the aid of carbon paper) onto these small labels that were dispersed. For this exhibition in a house museum, they were assembled inside the small writing desk drawers of a young man’s bedroom.

3 – Stitching her memory ⏐ 2013

In an old family film, I have always been struck by this woman who, among the people who ride in a boat, patiently sews on the unstable surface of a lake. The idea of editing this image for the Casa Museu de Benjamin Constant is a tribute to Constant’s wife, the first custodian and systematizer of her prematurely deceased husband’s collection.

  • 11” video loop, edition of 5 + 2 AP loop, edição de 5 + 2 PA
  • concept: Renato Bezerra de Mello
  • editor: Daniel Bardusco
  • access the work page here

Photo: Cláudia Elias