ALCOVA | 2009

Galeria Laura Marsiaj, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Curator: Marcelo Campos

Description of works

1 – I am father and friend (object) | 2004

Breaking a pledge to secrecy, I typed five copies of originally typewritten letters that my grandfather had sent my father in the late 1940s, and gave them to my sisters. In this exhibition, I gathered the letters in three small wall objects, corresponding to the years 1945, 1946 and 1947. The work’s title evokes the way my grandfather signed off his letters: “I am father and friend”.

Photo: Pat Kilgore

2 - Uruçumirim, later Outeiro da Glória | 2009

In a passage from [the Brazilian novel] Dom Casmurro, the title character expresses his jealousy of [the female protagonist] Capitu even as she enjoys, from a window, the view of the Glória knoll and Guanabara bay. From this story I created this drawing, in which the knoll, free from today’s constructions, was imagined covered with trees, as it might have once been when it was called by the natives as Uruçumirim.

Photos: Cláudia Tavares (detail) and Wilton Montenegro (general view)